Alex is a well-known face & voice in the IT Channel having worked in IT distribution for almost 30 years – and is currently Executive Director at the UK’s largest distributor – Westcoast Limited where he has worked for 16 years – initially as Sales & Marketing Director and then Managing Director.
As part of his role, Alex has always promoted the cause of Women in Technology and has helped to increase the proportion of women at Westcoast and working successfully to reduce the business’s gender pay gap. He is a regular supporter at The Channel Company’s Women in Tech Festival as both attendee and sponsor and promotes technology as a career for ALL in schools as the Chair of the Berkshire Cornerstone Employer’s group and an Enterprise Advisor (currently to Maiden Erlagh School in Reading). Westcoast increasingly look to support a diverse working environment with recent training for all employees on neuro-diversity and wellbeing aiders across the business.
Alex also sits on the Technology Leadership Group of the Prince’s Trust supporting young disadvantaged people in the UK. He has a high profile outside the technology industry having regular media attention.